In Henderson class
We have been observing some chicks that we hatch. We have 4 pullets and 2 cockerels this explanation will tell us how to look after chick and care for them.
When we got the incubator and some eggs I thought that their dead but Jo said that they are not dead.
Firstly we have to keep the temperature has to be 37.7 degrees.
The heating element keeps the introduction warm.
So the chick guardian have to to tip the white out.
Wart and heating together create heat this this helps to keep the eggs moist and well help it to hatch.
The brooder is their habitat for the chicks.
Inside the brooder there is a water bell and a 60w bulb heat lamp ad chicken food and dish.
Chicks must be fed in the morning and evening and the brooder must be clarn so the chicks are not shack
A chick is a tyber of a animal but if you want to know more about it you can read the explanation I will tell you.
On Monday we go some little happy chick and the chicks was not easy to care because you have to clean it everyday by feeding them twice a day.